Road Map

Infera Labs, the research division, will be exploring all types of training models, however, the journey begins with an open source, permissionless LLM

Q1 2024

  • Release of Docs and Litepaper

  • Alpha LLM website for community information and early capabilities demonstration.

Q2 2024

  • Documentations and Whitepaper release

  • Official release of Infera integrated chatbot

  • Alpha LLM website for community information and early capability demo.

  • Telegram chatbot to showcase different mediums of application of Infera API.

Q3 2024

  • Launch of Infera Nodes

  • Running Llama3 8B and other OS LLMs on nodes

  • Developer dashboard for API key management

Q4 2024

  • Launch of embedding models with developer API access

  • Infera Hackathon event

  • Support for embedding models allowing developers to generate text embeddings for their vector databases

Q1 2025

  • Support image inputs and text output

  • Implement node scheduling for automatic overnight operation.

Last updated