
Introducing Infera

Infera is building a decentralized network for LLM inference allowing developers API access to dozens of open source and custom fine tuned models.

In an era where AI is increasingly central to our digital lives, concerns have risen around the concentration of decision-making power within a few hands for the industry. An example of this is OpenAI and it's closed decision making for their AI products.

Infera Network is dedicated to revolutionizing the field of artificial intelligence by promoting the decentralization of AI inference for LLMs. Our mission is to democratize access to cutting-edge AI technologies through the provision of cost-effective, open-source modes that are improved on via community and individual contributions to the Infera ecosystem.

Beginning with Large Language Models (LLMs), Infera Network is committed to constructing a more inclusive, equitable, and community-driven AI landscape. This will be achieved by nurturing and harnessing advanced technologies developed in-house, ensuring that our efforts pave the way for a future where AI not only serves but also empowers Infera Network's global communities.

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