InferaSDK is a Python package that provides a fast, flexible, and intuitive interface for interacting with the Infera API. It aims to simplify the process of submitting jobs, processing multiple requests concurrently, and retrieving results efficiently from various language models.

Main Features

Here are just a few of the things that InferaSDK does well:

  • Asynchronous API interactions for efficient processing
  • Concurrent job submission and handling
  • Easy integration with multiple language models
  • Automatic job status polling and result retrieval
  • Flexible parameter configuration for each job (e.g., max_output, temperature)
  • Timeout handling to manage long-running requests


Install InferaSDK using pip:

pip install InferaSDK


Here’s a quick example of how to use InferaSDK:

import asyncio
import aiohttp
from inferaSDK import InferaSDK

async def main():
    api_key = "your_api_key_here"  # Replace with your actual API key
    sdk = InferaSDK(api_key)

    model = "llama3.1:latest"
    messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "What is the capital of France?"}]
    max_output = 100
    temperature = 0.7

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        result = await sdk.process_job(session, model, messages, max_output, temperature)


if __name__ == "__main__":

This code demonstrates how to use the InferaSDK to submit a job to the Infera API and retrieve the result. Let’s break it down:

  1. Import statements
  • asyncio: Used for asynchronous programming in Python.
  • aiohttp: An asynchronous HTTP client library.
  • InferaSDK: The main class from the InferaSDK package.

  1. SDK initialization
  • Creates an instance of InferaSDK with your API key.

  1. Job parameters
  • model: Specifies the language model to use (in this case, “llama3.1:latest”).
  • messages: A list containing a single message dictionary with the user’s question.
  • max_output: Limits the maximum number of tokens in the response.
  • temperature: Controls the randomness of the output (0.7 is a balanced setting).

  1. Asynchronous context manager
  • async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: Creates an HTTP session for making API requests.

  1. Job processing
  • result = await sdk.process_job(...): Submits the job to the API and waits for the result.

  1. Result output
  • Prints the result received from the API.

  1. Script execution
  • if __name__ == "__main__":: Ensures the script runs only when executed directly.
  • Runs the asynchronous main function.

This example showcases a simple, single-job submission to the Infera API using the InferaSDK, demonstrating how to interact with AI models asynchronously.

The source code is currently hosted on Github: InferaSDK

Binary installers for the latest released version are available at the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Getting Help

You can also reach out to our support team at Infera discord.